Opening Hours: |
Daily Hours |
Monday-Saturday |
Payment Method: |
Services: | Advanced, Diagnostics & Treatment, Traditional & Laser Surgery, Dentistry, Grooming, Boarding, House Calls, Endoscopic Procedures, Kennels, Laser Procedures, Lodging, Sonograms, Ultrasonic |
Specialties: | Dentistry, Small Animals, Pocket Pets |
Location Features & Amenities: | Clinics |
Professionals on Staff: | Veterinarians |
Certifications: | Certified |
General Content: | Appointments & Walk-Ins, Extraordinary Care Since 1966, The Stranger Of Veterinary Excellence, Wellness & Preventive Health Care, Boarding, 170010Attr:boarding, 170100Attr:grooming Salon, 246020Attr:professional Grooming, 246021Attr:full Service, Dentistry, Ultrasound |
Sales Volume: | 500K - 1M |
Employee Size Range: | 8 (appx) |
Professional Associations: | |